
Healthy Inspired Action for LIFE.

Simple: Drug-free answers to the frustration, exhaustion, mental anguish, & fear that accompany Midlife & beyond: from the fear & grief of an unexpected loss or the empty nest to moving healthfully through peri-menopause, creating a life you love.

Radical change IS possible; unleashing your dreams, leaving your legacy. The POWER (physically,  mentally, spiritually) to support you for your entire life begins here. 

Dr Leslie, health coach, sitting a chair smiling at the camera.

You’re Tired of Memory Issues, Mood Swings, weight-gain, and more.

You know it’s not (just) the weight.
Want to feel like yourself again? The best version of you? To think clearly again? Have pain-free mobility for the rest of your life?
You know menopause and other issues are part of it (or soon will be).
But it’s deeper: the desire to live life on your own terms from here on out.
To live authentically; to design a life where you wake up anxious to greet the day (a different anxiety from the current life.) 

You Want To Live A Vibrant Life.

I can teach you simple lifestyle (& diet) secrets of people, often from other cultures, who remain active and pain-free for life. People who transform and discover new vitality, goals, the ability to live out their deepest dreams after mid-life and have the body and mind to support that. To become the honored wisdom-filled fun-loving elders we all would choose to be. Women who contribute their unique gifts to the world into their 90’s and beyond. 

Learn more about my succinct approach to all your health issues.

Three images of people living life to their fullest
Dr Leslie smiling at the camera in a garden setting.

Continue To Do The Things You Love For The Rest Of Your Life.

I’m Dr. Leslie and I can help you get the answers you need. Through coaching and lifestyle change (and gentle diet suggestions when needed), I’ll help you get to the root of the problem. You’ll learn to tap in and trust your intuition to find the most meaningful path for you in every realm of life.
Regain the youthful vibrant health you need to live your best life. Put your vision together, design your dream life, and learn the methodology for taking bold and audacious action. A methodology that has worked for dreams big and small & can work for you.

Together, We Can Design a Customized Plan Just For You.

I am passionate about helping people navigate the plethora of truths, half-truths and utter nonsense out there. Together, we can devise a simple, long-term plan that works based on your goals, lifestyle, and budget. A plan that’s as unique as you are.
A word board centered on diet with a person lookin on in confusion

What The Natural Health Approach Can Do For You.

You can learn to release the frustration, fear, and anxiety and move powerfully forward.
Regardless of your health condition(s), every health problem can be helped immensely by a natural approach to diet and lifestyle change. Most can be reversed.
Regardless of circumstances, you have tools and talents beyond your current awareness. The Universe is here to serve ALL of us, not just the (monetarily) wealthy.

Change Your Long-Term Health. Work With Someone Who Cares and Has Been There.

I will guide you with compassion, helping you take a step back and make long-term positive changes. There is no quick fix.  Together we’ll dig deep to find the “why” that will motivate you. You’ll design your audacious life with clarity; whatever it is for you. Then with my methodology, change and progress get far simpler, even easy. Start Now. 

I’m here for you now and always.
Set up a Complimentary Consultation today.


I’m excited. I happily got through the holidays. I made lots of good and better choices and didn’t feel like I was missing out. This is BIG for me. I’ve always struggled with sugar. Holiday goodies just made it worse. This year was different. I’ve been using the whole food, plant based approach to wellness with Dr. Leslie’s guidance for 4 months and found I wasn’t even interested in most of goodies and when I was, I ate VERY moderately.  Lorna Whiteaker

Lorna Whiteaker
I have known Dr. Leslie for several years. I love working with her because she is knowledgeable, informed and trustworthy. I sought her out as I need support with weight management that is customized for my specific needs (I am physically disabled so using exercise for my weight management is not an option for me). I have always gotten super useful tips and strategies on nutrition and eating healthier. They have made a big difference in the way I eat today. Dr. Leslie knows and generously shares how each of us can have a healthier life by knowing what’s in our food and eating in a way that supports our optimum health. I am so happy to have Dr. Leslie in my corner!  -Lorna Whiteaker

Thank you for empowering people to make wise decisions about health care and diet.  ‘Empowering’ to me means that your views over the years have actually changed the way I think about food and medicine.  Making good food choices is NOT a deprivation of joy in eating; it actually gives more joy; as I see results like the loss of 65#;  more strength and mobility,  and the loss of many aches and pains.

I don’t think I would have challenged my MD’s approach to medicine and prescriptions without your input to do so.

-Ruth Smith

“Leslie speaks to the reality of health and not just preventing disease. Ones daily choices make all the difference and she delivers a presentation giving specific examples from her life and others on what choices make the most difference, as well as actionable suggestions. In a world where people are seeking the imaginary magic pill, Leslie provides real life information to guide us to health.” – Marjorie Drube, Realtor and Rotarian