
Perimenopause & Menopause

Simple Routines to Promote Wellness

Simple Routines to Promote Wellness

I’ve always been an advocate for meeting people where they are and helping them move forward in a simple way. If you have 40 (or especially if you have 100 pounds to lose), you certainly don’t want a healthy weight coach telling you to eat carrots and go for a 6-mile run!  If you’re taking meds for a condition and…

Menopause & Mental Health: A Natural Approach

Menopause & Mental Health: A Natural Approach

Is there a natural approach to the mood swings brought about by hormone surges during peri-menopause and menopause? The answer is a resounding yes! Having written those 2 sentences, part of me feels like I’m done & you should just pick up the phone! But I know it’s not that simple. Since International Mental Health Day was earlier this week,…

Take Control of Your Perimenopause Woes

Take Control of Your Perimenopause Woes

Did you know there are simple solutions to mood swings, forgetfulness, hot flashes, weight gain, and more? And they don’t involve taking drugs or locking yourself up in a room away from your spouse, kids, and job for the duration? I wish I had found them sooner than I did. It would’ve saved a ton of aggravation.  As women in…

My Top 3 Healthy Happy Hormone Hacks

My Top 3 Healthy Happy Hormone Hacks

Did you know that your diet is one of the major factors in hormone balance?! If you’re a perimenopausal woman, this should be music to your ears! It’s something you can control. An opportunity to get rid of (or at least greatly reduce) the hot flashes and the night sweats. The opportunity to start addressing those brain changes and start…

Resolve Menopause Madness

Resolve Menopause Madness

It was 4 am and I was lying awake . . .AGAIN! But this time it was different. For weeks before it was almost routine; 2:30 to nearly 6:00 am lying awake, agitated and profusely sweating. Knowing how exhausted I’d be all day because I couldn’t sleep. . .Every. . . single. . . night. But all that had ended…