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Science of Health

Nutrition and Brain Health

Nutrition and Brain Health

This is the 3rd article in a (non-sequential) series on brain health. Find the prior articles here and here. The foods we eat play a crucial role in maintaining cognitive health and preventing neurodegenerative diseases. Our brains require a steady supply of nutrients to function optimally. Indeed, it’s estimated half of our Calorie intake is utalized by our brains! Give…

The Medicalization of Life. . .the saga continues

The Medicalization of Life. . .the saga continues

The Medicalization of Life. . .The continuing saga Did you know that science doesn’t support and the U.S. Task Force on Preventative Medicine doesn’t recommend yearly physical exams for most people? Did you know that science doesn’t support & US Preventative Medicine Task Force doesn’t recommend the use of low dose aspirin to prevent a primary cardiovascular event in people…

A Randomized Controlled Study of Parachutes; For Real!

A Randomized Controlled Study of Parachutes; For Real!

A Randomized Controlled Study of Parachutes; For Real! You could file this under “they (the most renowned medical journals) will publish anything.” But that would miss the point. (Note: this WAS published in the Christmas issue; an annual light-hearted look at health & medicine. Though studies in it ARE held to usual standards) These researchers set out to upset the…