
Superior Nutritional Supplements

Lifetime Mobility: What Gets in the Way

Lifetime Mobility: What Gets in the Way

Subtitle: 24 Longevity Products for 2024: #5 When it comes to maintaining the ability to do what we love as we age, simple freedom of movement is the single most important contributor to our toolbox. So, today I want to talk about something that can help you maintain that freedom of movement for the rest of your life. The freedom…

Your Health & the Great Mimicker

Your Health & the Great Mimicker

Symptoms as diverse as peripheral neuropathy, muscle weakness, stomach distension, chronic diarrhea, swollen extremities, anxiety, depression, Parkinson ‘s-like symptoms, incontinence, and more. No, it’s not the latest virus.  These and many other non-specific symptoms are sometimes the first signs of a very easily avoided issue. It is a vitamin deficiency that can affect virtually anyone over 50 and those younger…

Essential Oils for Weight Loss & Detoxification

In my last post, I discussed several oils that can be used internally to enhance metabolism and increase weight loss. Today, I want to talk about using oils topically for detoxification & weight & fat loss. The three topical applications one can use are: Detox baths, body wraps and massage. Any of these methods are applicable for any of the…

Essential oils to aid weight and fat loss

We all know that healthy eating and exercise are long term keys to maintaining weight. Still, as we get older, we find it more & more difficult. Most of us have heard of things like the grapefruit diet and many others; some healthy, others; not so much. Well, it turns out that grapefruit is just one of many essential oils…

Chronic Inflammation: Stories of Change

Chronic Inflammation: Stories of Change

  Today, I want to tell you a couple of quick stories of people who made small changes that helped address chronic inflammation and how these changes changed their life. (All names have been changed.) Beverly is a client that, despite being obese had an active lifestyle that including skiing, tennis and other sports. But throughout the years she had…

Not (Just) Another Super-food!

Over a period of several months last year, I lost 15 lbs and got down to a weight I was very excited about. Here’s the interesting part, I lost about the first 5-7 lbs. without really even trying! How did that happen? If there were a single, readily available food source that contained 46 Anti-oxidants, 36 Anti-inflammatory compounds, all 20…