Get Your Mojo Back – Kale Optional In The Journey To Wellness Group!
You know you should’ve been paying more attention but. . .
amid all the current stress, chaos & fear, there’s been little effort; only too much Ben & Jerry’s
Now. . . You’re just SOOO stressed and . . .
The scale says, “WHAT” . . . “NO! I can’t have gained THAT much!” . . .
You blew up at the kids over another little thing; once again . . .
You need to get a handle on the mood swings & hot flashes . . .
The constant frustration with lying awake from 2-5AM every morning . . .
You’ve forgotten that word on the tip of your tongue (or someone’s name), once again . . .
Basic health issues, like Your blood pressure or your blood sugar is up or. . .
_____________________ (fill in the blank)
And ignoring it just isn’t an option anymore.
In other words, now is the time . . .to engage & discover a simple diet & lifestyle centered approach.
Imagine. . .
A natural approach to Wellness comprised of healthy food that’s tasty but not fancy or difficult to prepare.
A program that won’t force you to eat kale (or anything else).
A program where portion control is a thing of the past. Yes; really (provided you don’t have an eating disorder).
This is the journey. . .
A chance to control the things you can.
That creates sensible approach modeled after cultures where people grow old without growing sick.
An opportunity to address chronic conditions and adopt diet & lifestyle change that can reverse it.
Taught by a doctor with a science mind and a caring heart, with an alternative outlook and years of real experience, whose best friend is STILL chocolate. . .just ask her family! (Translation: there IS room for treats!)
What to expect in the Journey to Wellness Group: 8 sessions (about 60 minutes each) in a small group coaching format
Above all this is a complete but streamlined lifestyle approach including:
What goes in your body: a plant-centered whole food approach (healthy whole foods but not necessarily vegan)
What goes ON your body: toxins that act as hormones & obesegens; an actionable approach so you don’t need to spend your life researching & reading labels.
Your work & home environment: Practical approaches to toxins in your home & your work environment without going off the deep end.
Exercise: Starting where you are and advancing appropriately based on your age, overall health & condition including all aspects: balance, strength, flexibility & endurance
Your Gut: Your internal pharmacy; how to maximize & regulate it.
Breast Health & Bone Health Bonus Session: Preventing breast cancer and Osteoporosis, understanding their relationship to diet and lifestyle, and the limitations of testing.
What’s Included:
My Jump-Start Your Weight Loss and Hormone Balance Quick Start Mini-Guide.
Subjects covered include: Diet & weight loss, Balancing your hormones naturally, Your gut Microbiome, Detoxifying your environment, Detoxifying what goes on your body, Exercise & fitness, Breast & Bone health.
Lists of foods that help with detoxification, hormone balance, and more.
Assisted Pantry Clean-out, over Zoom.
Inspirational/Motivational/Nutritional texts delivered via SMS 3x/week.
Bonus: 5 private podcast episodes -listen on-the-go
Private Facebook group
All sessions will be recorded and available to participants for download.

NEXT SESSION Begins January 5, 2022!
Via Zoom.
Continues Every Other Wednesday for 8 sessions.
Schedule your Free 1:1 consult now to see what this program will do for you.
Learn more about Dr. Leslie; her approach and background here: