



Get Your Mojo Back – Kale Optional In The Journey To Wellness Group!


You know you should’ve been paying more attention  but. . .
amid all the current stress, chaos & fear, there’s been little effort; only too much Ben & Jerry’s

Now. . . You’re just SOOO stressed and . . . 



    • The scale says, “WHAT” . . . “NO! I can’t have gained THAT much!” . . . 
    • You blew up at the kids over another little thing; once again . . .
    • You need to get a handle on the mood swings & hot flashes . . .
    • The constant frustration with lying awake from 2-5AM every morning . . .
    • You’ve forgotten that word on the tip of your tongue (or someone’s name), once again . . .
    • Basic health issues, like Your blood pressure or your blood sugar is up or. . .
    • _____________________ (fill in the blank)
And ignoring it just isn’t an option anymore.
In other words, now is the time . . .to engage & discover a simple diet & lifestyle centered approach.
Imagine. . .


    • A natural approach to Wellness comprised of healthy food that’s tasty but not fancy or difficult to prepare.
    • A program that won’t force you to eat kale (or anything else).
    • A program where portion control is a thing of the past. Yes; really (provided you don’t have an eating disorder).
This is the journey. . .
    • A chance to control the things you can.
    •  That creates sensible approach modeled after cultures where people grow old without growing sick.
    • An opportunity to address chronic conditions and adopt  diet & lifestyle change that can reverse it.
    • Taught by a doctor with a science mind and a caring heart, with an alternative outlook and years of real experience, whose best friend is STILL chocolate. . .just ask her family! (Translation: there IS room for treats!)
What to expect in the Journey to Wellness Group: 8 sessions (about 60 minutes each) in a small  group coaching format
 Above all this is a complete but streamlined lifestyle approach including:
    • What goes in your body: a plant-centered whole food approach (healthy whole foods but not necessarily vegan)
    • What goes ON your body: toxins that act as hormones & obesegens; an actionable approach so you don’t need to spend your life researching & reading labels.
    • Your work & home environment: Practical approaches to toxins in your home & your work environment without going off the deep end.
    • Exercise: Starting where you are and advancing appropriately based on your age, overall health & condition including all aspects: balance, strength, flexibility & endurance
    • Your Gut: Your internal pharmacy; how to maximize & regulate it.
    • Breast Health & Bone Health Bonus Session: Preventing breast cancer and Osteoporosis, understanding their relationship to diet and lifestyle, and the limitations of testing.

NOTE: All Coaching Sessions will be at 5PM PST; NOT 7PM as referenced in the video.

What’s Included:
      • My Jump-Start Your Weight Loss and Hormone Balance Quick Start Mini-Guide.
      • Subjects covered include: Diet & weight loss, Balancing your hormones naturally, Your gut Microbiome,  Detoxifying your environment, Detoxifying what goes on your body, Exercise & fitness, Breast & Bone health.
      • Lists of foods that help with detoxification, hormone balance, and more.
      • Assisted Pantry Clean-out, over Zoom.
      • Recipes
      • Inspirational/Motivational/Nutritional texts delivered via SMS 3x/week.
      • Bonus: 5 private podcast episodes -listen on-the-go
      • Private Facebook group
      • All sessions will be recorded and available to participants for download.
I’m excited. I happily got through the holidays. I made lots of good and better choices and didn’t feel like I was missing out. This is BIG for me. I’ve always struggled with sugar. Holiday goodies just made it worse. This year was different. I’ve been using the whole food, plant based approach to wellness with Dr. Leslie’s guidance for 4 months and found I wasn’t even interested in most of goodies and when I was, I ate VERY moderately.  Lorna Whiteaker
Lorna Whiteaker
Journey to Wellness - Zap the Zappers


NEXT SESSION Begins January 5, 2022!

Via Zoom.

Continues Every Other Wednesday for 8 sessions.

Schedule your Free 1:1 consult now to see what this program will do for you.

Learn more about Dr. Leslie; her approach and background here: