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Breakfast or Snacks

Breakfast or Snacks may sound like a weird combination. But many of the recipes here really do work for both. All recipes are plant based for fun and healthy meals, or snacks.

Barbecued Braised Tofu

Barbecued Braised Tofu

Do you like barbecued food? This is a great one to add if you want to balance your estrogens; if you’ve got PMS, mood swings, or hot flashes for example. (It also could help, especially when combined with decreasing dairy if you’re a guy who is losing his hair!)

3 Bean Salad

3 Bean Salad

This 3 Bean Salad is a very fast and easy salad. Great to have on hand in your refrigerator for a quick snack. It also packs well so it is easy to take with you to work. This can be made as mild or as spicy as you like it by changing the kind of salsa used.

Banana Nut Bread

Banana Nut Bread

This easy to make Banana Nut Bread will remind you of your childhood. Who says you need oil to make banana bread taste good?

Fresh Plum and Nectarine Oatmeal Muffins

Fresh Plum and Nectarine Oatmeal Muffins

These Fresh Plum and Nectarine Oatmeal Muffins are moist and fruity. They are the perfect breakfast treat sure to please everyone. Full of heart-healthy oats, you’ll feel good about eating these!