
Tag: Fitness

Do What You Love Till the Day You Die!

Do What You Love Till the Day You Die!

I’m preparing to move back into routine life after nearly 8 weeks of bicycle touring. I’ve ridden 1172 miles with over 44,000 feet of climbing; most of it within the first 6 weeks. (I spent most of the final 2 weeks with my kids)I’m aware that most people I know are a little awed by that; especially at my age.…

Life Lessons Learned while Bicycle Touring

Simple Life Lessons from Cycle-Touring Last month, my husband & I went a 2 week bicycling trip in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts; starting in Bangor, Maine and ending in Southern Massachusetts. Yes; just us, our gear & bikes; no car, fully contained. This was the first tour we have been on in many years and it gave me a…

Fitness & Physical Well-Being

Fitness & Physical Well-Being

Of all the things we can & should do to improve our health, the one people consistently have the hardest time with is not diet but consistent exercise. Even I have to admit that I often struggle to fit regular exercise into my life on a routine basis. Granted, I’m no couch potato and I do get an hour or…