In my last post, I discussed several oils that can be used internally to enhance metabolism and increase weight loss. Today, I want to talk about using oils topically for detoxification & weight & fat loss. The three topical applications one can use are: Detox baths, body wraps and massage. Any of these methods are applicable for any of the…

Today, I want to tell you a couple of quick stories of people who made small changes that helped address chronic inflammation and how these changes changed their life. (All names have been changed.) Beverly is a client that, despite being obese had an active lifestyle that including skiing, tennis and other sports. But throughout the years she had…
Essential Oils for Daily Complaints: One of the most common questions I always got in my chiropractic practice was “Doc, what should I take?” People want a quick fix and our pill-oriented society has conditioned them to look for one. Unfortunately, as Western Medicine continues to create artificial substances, the negative effects continue to seriously injure and kill people. After…