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Tag: heart health

CoVID19, Your Heart, and Properly Placed Fear

CoVID19, Your Heart, and Properly Placed Fear

I get it! 380,000 have died in the U.S. of Covid19. It’s horrendous and frightening. What if it was 680,000? Would that make you even MORE scared? Here’s the thing: there’s a PREVENTABLE disease that kills 680,000 Americans. . .EVERY. . . SINGLE. . .YEAR! And has for many years. Why are we not up in arms about that? Let’s…

Heart Health: Knowledge & Power

Heart Health: Knowledge & Power

Heart Health: Knowledge is Power Last week another local Facebook friend underwent heart bypass surgery and once again I witnessed the common social media reaction: prayers for his safety and quick recovery, shock that this was happening to another seemingly healthy person, tons of well-wishes and genuine concern. All of which I share. Still, for me, once again there is…