
What would happen if you put your health first for 30 day? -NOT as a diet or denial system; not as a system to give up anything. But in a concerted effort to simply add TONS of highly nutritious fruits & vegetables and more water to help detoxify your body and see the results?

I can hear you now: “I don’t have time,” “I can’t afford that,” or?? what’s YOUR reason? What if I could show you a way to do this conveniently and inexpensively (possibly for NO cost)?

Transform 30 is a what you might call a Cleansing Program but it is SO much more that it’s difficult to explain in a few paragraphs which is why I’m sponsoring a Transform 30 Introduction NEXT TUES., Jan 13th at 6:30 PM in the Community Room at Whole Foods Market in SLO.

Typical Cleansing Programs involve Juice or Water Fasting and in today’s environment, that may actually concentrate toxins! We’ll talk about why that is and how we get around that.

Many people think Cleanses are ONLY for people who need to lose weight! NOT TRUE! Did you know that we can now test for 800 DIFFERENT TOXINS in the human body?? And that’s only what we can test for. We live in a toxic soup of an environment & if you’re not cleansing your body regularly; I say DAILY, all bets are off on your long term health regardless of how well you eat.

So I hope you’ll join us next week, on Tuesday evening from 6:30-8pm. We’ll have samples, discuss recipes & detail how you can get support with the changes you choose to make. We’ll talk about food, toxins, exercise & a lot more in a fun & interactive way. Whether you choose to do Transformation 30 or not, my commitment is that the Information in the Transform 30 Intro will change your life and the lives of those around you Forever.

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