
Stress & Well-being

Choosing Imperfection Without Apology

Choosing Imperfection Without Apology

What does a coach do when the bottom drops out from under her life? Read on & find out. I was at my wit’s end! Just being present to “How do I take care of myself & stay mentally & physically healthy through all this?” was a challenge. Over a period of several weeks this spring and summer a series…

Grudgingly Accepting My Own Medicine

Grudgingly Accepting My Own Medicine

Yesterday, my real estate agent, good friend, and fellow coaching colleague, Jen Narragon ( just flatly said to me: “So, Leslie, by when are you going to take some time for self-care.” Ouch! I could SEE the incredulous look on her face, despite the fact that she was actually on the telephone! Two things were immediately obvious: I knew full…

Resiliency and Recovery

Resiliency and Recovery

Sometimes the struggle is real.And you just have to allow it to be so. Then comes the question: How do you allow the struggle to be real, accept it but not go down the tunnel and become anxious or depressed about the things you can’t control? It’s all about choosing your thoughts which, by its very nature, is a lesson…

Ten Tips to Improve Your Immune System

Ten Tips to Improve Your Immune System

Take action to improve your Immune System Wouldn’t it be great to know if there are things you can do to improve your immune system and enhance your ability to fight off disease while you’re stuck sheltering in place? We’re in a very different world than we were 3 weeks ago and it would be so easy for us to…

Life Lessons Learned while Bicycle Touring

Simple Life Lessons from Cycle-Touring Last month, my husband & I went a 2 week bicycling trip in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts; starting in Bangor, Maine and ending in Southern Massachusetts. Yes; just us, our gear & bikes; no car, fully contained. This was the first tour we have been on in many years and it gave me a…