
Wellness & Prevention

5 Habits to Reclaim 80% More Energy

5 Habits to Reclaim 80% More Energy

Reclaiming your vitality isn’t about doing more, it’s about cutting out the habits that work against your energy. I’ve seen this time & time again with my clients and with myself. When we ignore these 5 basics, it’s all downhill from there. 1. Regular & Sufficient Sleep Irregular sleep patterns and burning the midnight oil wreak havoc on your body’s…

Lifetime Mobility: What Gets in the Way

Lifetime Mobility: What Gets in the Way

Subtitle: 24 Longevity Products for 2024: #5 When it comes to maintaining the ability to do what we love as we age, simple freedom of movement is the single most important contributor to our toolbox. So, today I want to talk about something that can help you maintain that freedom of movement for the rest of your life. The freedom…

Your Health & the Great Mimicker

Your Health & the Great Mimicker

Symptoms as diverse as peripheral neuropathy, muscle weakness, stomach distension, chronic diarrhea, swollen extremities, anxiety, depression, Parkinson ‘s-like symptoms, incontinence, and more. No, it’s not the latest virus.  These and many other non-specific symptoms are sometimes the first signs of a very easily avoided issue. It is a vitamin deficiency that can affect virtually anyone over 50 and those younger…

Maintaining Brain Clarity

Maintaining Brain Clarity

Let’s face it: losing your mind is a fate far worse than death. This week, a good friend from high school died of Alzheimer’s disease at just 67 years old.  Unfortunately, no meds can appreciably change that process once diagnosed. And it’s doubtful there ever will be. (Some other time, I’ll address why I’m 99.99% positive about that opinion.) My…

Menopause: Getting Time in the Lime Light

Menopause: Getting Time in the Lime Light

Menopause, and its predecessor perimenopause, are finally getting their much-needed time in the limelight. Good thing. By learning what’s going on with their bodies, women at least stand a chance of being able to get through it more healthfully and comfortably. Unlike their predecessors, like women my age who didn’t have the internet to educate themselves. However,  I can’t help but…

A Miracle Story of Healing

A Miracle Story of Healing

Today, I have a great story for you about the human body’s amazing power to heal and regenerate. Recently, I worked with a friend & client who generously given me permission to write this story of healing & use the attached picture of us. She is 89 and in constant systemic pain from a combination of things, attributable to multiple…