Happy New Year All!
As we embark on a new year, I find myself thinking about my life and yours; how they intersect & how I can serve you.
Quick question:
Are you a theme, resolution, or intention person?
You may think there’s little difference but we call something is everything.
I used to do the Resolutions and Yearly Goals thing and found year after year, it would drop out of sight somewhere between March and June. Around October, I resurrected it, and beat myself up for where I was and letting it drop out of site. Then I proceeded to stress myself out about how far off I was & work my butt off to accomplish what I could by the end of the year. AND end the year often feeling like a failure.
Does this sound familiar??? Maybe it was time to look deeper.
Several years ago, after some life challenges that truly woke me up, I realized that, for me, the resolutions and goals were only addressing the symptoms and not getting to the core of the problems. (Interesting how this correlates with my view on health & well-being too.) Making resolutions to lose weight, stop blowing up at my spouse and kids, or grow my practice ultimately didn’t make the difference I wanted them to. I still wound up with personal relationships that were more superficial, less meaningful than I wanted and a chiropractic practice where I didn’t have the deeper influence I wanted either.
Coincidently, this was around the same time much of the business & entrepreneurial world was transitioning into using intentions and themes rather than strict goals for the New Year. After adopting that concept, I discovered it permitted me to be the imperfect human that I was and not beat myself up over it.
Then, as I moved into coaching and opened this idea up to my clients, they saw the same thing.
Together, we discovered that they (and I) could still set goals but we did that after we dug deeper into the more important thing. . . how we wanted to show up in the world. The results were deeper and more profound changes that propelled us forward with our goals in all areas of life.
Here’s the bottom line: when we do the work to figure that out, we are far more likely to be the person we have set our ideals on, moving past our feelings in the moment, to the deeper picture.
All that brings me to 2025 and my theme for the year: Authenticity.
To me, this is about showing up everywhere as the person I’ve always known I could be deep inside. That core essence of what I want to be and do in the world, for my family & friends, for my clients and those who follow me and most of all, for myself.
So I can lean into this and let it help me do things I’ve avoided, like showing up live on social media or speaking and writing more.
The other thing I’ve noticed, both in myself and in those around me is a fear of being this real with ourselves. This is especially true if you’re older, less healthy, or ultimately not where you expected to be at this stage of life.
Intrigued by all this? Ready to take the plunge and look the deeper you square in the eye?
I have a New Year’s gift for you: Set up your (free) Vibrant Life Plan call. (only open for 4 days) This is not a ‘sales’ call. This is simply an opportunity for me to be more authentically myself and help you dig into one aspect of your best life.
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