
Subtitle: 24 Longevity Products for 2024: #5

When it comes to maintaining the ability to do what we love as we age, simple freedom of movement is the single most important contributor to our toolbox.

So, today I want to talk about something that can help you maintain that freedom of movement for the rest of your life.

The freedom of movement that can make the difference between living a life we love vs. just existing.

But first, I have a story for you: A couple of nights ago, listening to The Moth Radio Hour on KCBX, I heard Betty Reid Soskin, a 97-year-old Park Ranger at a California State Park tell the story, live on stage, about defending herself against an intruder just 2 years earlier, at age 95!

I loved her story on several levels: at 97, she was still living her ideal life. She was living independently and doing meaningful work. She was not dependent on others to cook her meals, for transportation, or most other activities of daily life. 

And, when challenged, alone, at night by an intruder in her apartment, she was physically able to defend herself successfully and then had the guts to get on a live stage and tell the world about it. That’s the kind of 97 year old I aspire to be.         

But the main thing that stops most of us is joint pain which restricts our mobility.
Specifically, knee and back pain (spinal pain) are the most common causes of immobility. This leads to a constant and steady downward spiral as people age. It can be a major contributor to depression, overeating, balance issues, and all negative health ramifications that can be associated with those things in older adults.
(You can look up stats if they interest you. I won’t bore you with them since most people reading this don’t care about the stats.)

This is about preventing pain. Later, in another installment, I’ll address pain relief.

I’m interested in helping you prevent pain and immobility simply, effectively, and without medication that can have negative effects.

We’ve mentioned an anti-inflammatory diet and natural anti-inflammatory supplements in another context previously.

But how do we maintain joint health?

As I retired chiropractor, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the power of keeping your spine and joints mobile through regular chiropractic care; something I do at least monthly.

Also, stretching & strengthening exercises are key. Yoga & Tai Chi are ideal for this. They, like chiropractic care, are a necessary part of self-care if you want to age successfully, in my opinion.

Regarding supplements to maintain joint health:

I’ve tried many products throughout the years, and both my clients and I have gotten the best response from blends that combine glucosamine, MSM, cetyl-myristoleate, and Boswellia (AKA Frankincense).

MRM’s Joint Synergy Compound is such a product. 

Glucosamine gives your joints the basic building blocks for cartridge production. There is a small amount of chondroitin in it as well. There is evidence that glucosamine, as a smaller molecule, is absorbed better.

MSM is thought to help with muscle recovery, be anti-inflammatory, and more.

Cetyl-Myristoleate is considered to be a joint lubricant. Research suggests that it may be the compound that is responsible for mice being able to keep their joints free from arthritis.

Boswellia is also anti-inflammatory.

MRM’s Joint Synergy also features several other substances that are anti-inflammatory and useful for joint health.

Give MRM’s Joint Synergy a try by setting up an account in my store now.

Email me for a discount code for your initial order.

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