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Today, I have a great story for you about the human body’s amazing power to heal and regenerate.

Recently, I worked with a friend & client who generously given me permission to write this story of healing & use the attached picture of us.

She is 89 and in constant systemic pain from a combination of things, attributable to multiple causes. Including eating the Standard American Diet, fibromyalgia, a bone disease when she was a pre-teen that left her partially disabled, and more. 

In spite of her disability, she has done some remarkable things including being a professional singer, a teacher and a social worker. And has always maintained her sense of humor and a positive attitude.

And she’s been like a second mom to me. So when things happen as they did on this day, it makes my heart sing.

I’ve been fortunate to have recently come across a new technology. It uses the energy generated by the human body itself. It reflects it back on itself and into the tissue so that it is absorbed by the body similarly to how we make our own vitamin D by absorbing sunshine.

Different applications of it are capable of doing different things to take advantage of the body’s ability to heal itself.

The results have been published in numerous peer-reviewed journal articles. The company that owns this technology has over 80 patents worldwide.

Ok. With that short explanation, I can complete my story:

Earlier this week, in a matter of 20 minutes, we were able to bring my friend’s pain level down from nearly a 10 to a 5!

I have known Clytis and worked with her for nearly 20 years. In the past 10 years, we have not been able to get her pain level below a 7 (0n a 1-10 scale). This includes using additional meds and other forms of care; often provided in concert.

To go from almost a 10, where she started that morning, to a 5 in 20 minutes and maintain that for several hours is amazing.

In addition, this technology is helping her body make changes that will likely result in healing. Thus, it will decrease her reliance on dangerous meds. This gives me a deep sense of gratitude.

And this technology does a lot more than ‘just’ relieve pain. It restores balance and helps  stem cells revert to a more youthful state.

The possibilities of it are almost endless.

Other effects of this technology include regrowing cartilage, helping dissipate fine lines and wrinkles, and even possibly affecting brain function and chemistry. Basically, almost any process that degrades with age can potentially be affected.

I will be putting together a program to present this technology to anyone interested.

In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more, contact me.

1 Comment

  • Kellie Phillips

    Thank you for sharing this Leslie. Having met Clytis I am thrilled to hear you have found something that could help her. She is a remarkable woman. You have definately peaked my curiosity, I would love to hear more about this technology.

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