
Menopause, and its predecessor perimenopause, are finally getting their much-needed time in the limelight.

Good thing.
By learning what’s going on with their bodies, women at least stand a chance of being able to get through it more healthfully and comfortably. 
Unlike their predecessors, like women my age who didn’t have the internet to educate themselves.

However,  I can’t help but notice that there’s still much missing in the discussion.
This article exemplifies it. It details a writer’s frustration and shame as she has a meltdown followed by a hot flash when put on the spot in public.  Then there’s her answer, which, typical for our society is a medication.

I’m hearing that a lot.

Here’s how horrendous it all is; the hot flashes, the night sweats, that brain that refuses to process a succinct thought, and more. It’s affecting women’s lives and well-being.
The attention is timely and valid.  The solution, in our society, is obvious: a magic pill (or a variation thereof.)

Not everybody wants to take medication   Not everybody can take medication. Still missing from the discussion is what can you do besides take medication or just suffer?

Oh, yes people will talk about breathing and acceptance. I can’t help but wonder what good that does when you’re standing in the front of a room with sweat dripping down your body. At that point, you can barely remember your name, let alone what you’re there to talk about. I’ve been there.

Fortunately, there are answers beyond medication that work. Because, like it or not, medication, by its very nature ALWAYS leaves you open to adverse effects (those effects may be more or less likely but they always exist.).

Natural approaches, (the ones that involve diet and lifestyle, that is,) seldom do. But they are more likely to need dialing in.  and so they become much like the numbers in a combination lock; a very precise solution to a very individual problem.

But the answers, when you find them, help make your life healthier. What a refreshing concept. A solution that can help make you healthier; not subject you to more issues.

Diet and lifestyle changes allow your body to heal itself.  Thus the change often addresses several symptoms and can help you live a healthier life.

Well, all that sounds great, you say but what do I do and how do I get started? The answers are somewhat individualized. But, there is an overarching theme.

Eat more real whole plant food. Get more movement. Live more in alignment with your body’s rhythms and the way God & nature intended. Decrease stress.

Now, eliminate some offending foods (let’s start with processed foods). And add some therapeutic foods (like broccoli and soy). That’s a good start and may begin to make a real difference.

Want more info beyond the generalities? Let’s talk.

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