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24 Longevity Products for 2024

Longevity as I define it is simply the ability to be able to continue to do the things you love at any age. Personally, I plan to live healthfully to 104 and have spent much of my life studying how.
We have few role models for healthy longevity in this country. So over the remainder of the year, I’ll be presenting my 24 for 24. These are my 24 favorite products to increase the likelihood that you can get there healthfully.

I’ll also tie in stories of how these things have made a difference to clients and myself.

Today I’ll start with Juice Plus+ 

The best evidence says that we should eat a large variety of fresh fruits & veggies daily. Actually, at least 8 servings! Few of us, myself included, do this daily.

What if there was a low-cost convenient answer? 

We know vitamins aren’t the answer. They contain only a small fraction of the necessary nutrients needed for good health. 

Juice Plus+ was founded by Dr. Huberto Santillo. He started drying fresh fruits & veggies, turning them into powders to put into his father’s feeding tube back in the 1990’s. Eventually, as his dad improved, connections ensued, and Juice Plus+ was born. 

Over the intervening 30 years, over 40 studies have been conducted on people (many double-blinded) and published throughout the world in peer-reviewed medical journals that show the positive effects of Juice Plus+. Studies show it is highly bio-available and positively impacts numerous biomarkers associated with decreased inflammation, increased cardiovascular health, better immune health, and more. It offers anti-oxidant protection and protects DNA from damage. It positively impacts skin health, lung health, gum health, metabolic health, athletic performance, and cognitive function. 

Juice Plus fruit, vegetable & berry blends are available in capsules and chewables for just a couple of dollars daily. They contain over 30 different fruits, vegetables, and berries. Ripe, fresh-picked products are dried using a low-temperature proprietary method. It maintains significant amounts of the inherent nutritional value of the whole produce. 

Because I believe that we can never get too much good nutrition into our systems, I take Juice Plus+ daily in addition to everything else I do for my health & longevity.

Thinking back to when I first started using this product over 10 years ago, I have more energy now than I did then. My stamina is better. My eyesight and my gum health have also measurably improved as noted by my optometrist and dentist.

The many clinical health professionals associated with Juice Plus+, myself included, consider the fruit, vegetable & berry blends to be essential. These 3 are what I personally take daily.

Now through March 1st, Juice Plus+ is also offering 10 free sachets each of their “Complete” vanilla & chocolate protein powders with each new order of Juice Plus Essentials capsules. (a $60 value)

In addition, Juice Plus also has a family Healthy Starts program and a referral that can help you & your family get free or discounted products. (You can check with me about details.)

To get started and get your free additional product, contact me.  

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