
Tag: Dementia

Significant Improvement in Early Stage Alzheimers’?!

Significant Improvement in Early Stage Alzheimers’?!

Chalk up another major miracle to Dr. Dean Ornish. He has shown diet and lifestyle change can, once again, do what drugs can’t. . . Cause significant improvement in Early-Stage Alzheimer’s and Mild Cognitive Decline. Dr. Ornish was the first to show that diet and lifestyle change can reverse heart disease. Caldwell Essylton and others have now replicated that. Dr.…

Maintaining Brain Clarity

Maintaining Brain Clarity

Let’s face it: losing your mind is a fate far worse than death. This week, a good friend from high school died of Alzheimer’s disease at just 67 years old.  Unfortunately, no meds can appreciably change that process once diagnosed. And it’s doubtful there ever will be. (Some other time, I’ll address why I’m 99.99% positive about that opinion.) My…