Chalk up another major miracle to Dr. Dean Ornish. He has shown diet and lifestyle change can, once again, do what drugs can’t. . . Cause significant improvement in Early-Stage Alzheimer’s and Mild Cognitive Decline.
Dr. Ornish was the first to show that diet and lifestyle change can reverse heart disease. Caldwell Essylton and others have now replicated that.
Dr. Ornish was the first to show that early-stage prostate cancer could also be slowed through similar diet and lifestyle changes.
And Ornish showed that the same diet and lifestyle changes can affect telomeres, the ends of your DNA that unravel as you age.
But, here’s the kicker, as indicated by the article’s name, reversing early-stage Alzheimer’s requires “intensive” lifestyle change.
In fact, the bottom line could be interpreted as “the stricter the change, the better the result.”
The basics were a low-fat, whole-food, plant-based diet, low in refined carbohydrates and sweeteners with selected supplements added. The study also included moderate exercise, stress management techniques & support groups. These basic changes resulted in a moderate change in just 20 weeks.
20 weeks to do what no drug can!
And here’s the important news for you and your loved ones who are trying to avoid this devastating disease:
We know, without a doubt that it takes less effort to avoid a disease than it does to reverse it.
Put another way, you don’t have to make the “intensive” change Ornish’s test group did, but you DO have to do SOMETHING!
And the more you do, the higher your likelihood of preventing this disease. We know it’s universally the most dreaded issue in aging.
With that in mind, I’m considering creating a low-cost program to get you started. Likely, 4-6 sessions (over as many weeks). It would be complete with several simple tasty recipes. Likely, I’d add a cooking demo (in-person or online), and material on the other recommended changes too.
Interested? email me:
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