
The Medicalization of Life. . .The continuing saga

Did you know that science doesn’t support and the U.S. Task Force on Preventative Medicine doesn’t recommend yearly physical exams for most people?

Did you know that science doesn’t support & US Preventative Medicine Task Force doesn’t recommend the use of low dose aspirin to prevent a primary cardiovascular event in people under 50 or over 70? Further, they only recommend it in those 50-70 if they have a greater than 10% risk assessment.

Did you know that over the past several years, the standard for what is consider abnormally high blood sugar has changed? Because of this, it’s estimated that 100million adults in the US are probably considered ‘pre-diabetic.’ However, there is no evidence that treating these people provides any benefit (aside from enhancing the bottom line of the drug industry and perhaps of doctors.)

Did you know that most blood pressure medications only lower blood pressure by an average of 2-6 mmHg!?

And did you know that you can lower you blood sugar and your blood pressure and correct multiple risk factors in as little as 2 weeks on the proper diet!?

So why is all this such a big deal? The inherent problem is turning healthy people into patients, disempowering them unnecessarily and then having to treat the REAL problems that develop. Take the case of the man that develops sexual dysfunction as a result of blood pressure meds; or the athlete I know that developed muscle problems after going on statins for a cholesterol level that could easily have been helped by diet. I could come up with many more examples. We must, as a society, begin to look at the real fact that much of the cost and harm done by medicine could be avoided if people had enough information to address issues with diet & lifestyle first.

Learn more in my upcoming program; Empower Your Health & Choices: Food Over Medicine; Tuesday & Thursday evenings April 2-16, 2019 at 6:30 pm in Morro Bay. Learn more & register here. Got questions? Book a time to talk here. (The program will be recorded. Registrants who miss a session will get access to the video)

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