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Bicycling 10,000 foot mountain passes at over 60 years old?! 
Crazy, you may say. But that’s what I’ll be doing 2 weeks from now at this time.

It’s all about living my best life.

So the obvious/sometimes not-so-obvious connection comes in.
You know, the one where people say, “You’re so lucky you’re still healthy enough to do that.” 

And I gently say, “No, it’s not luck, it’s 60+ years of mostly taking good care of myself. 

But we all learn lessons the difficult way and I’ve had my health challenges too. Perhaps the “luck” was learning my lesson when I had some serious health challenges in my 30’s.

Where’s this going?

Just like myself and my clients, you can accept the challenge part of your health challenge and change.

The fact of the matter is that diet and lifestyle account for 7 of the top 8 causes of death in the U.S. but we all have the power to choose to change.
Stats show genetics cause less than 15% of all diseases and death.

Disease reversal can often come with lifestyle changes. Diabetes and heart disease are 2 prime examples.

So, I won’t be-labor the point any further.

My philosophy is that we all can strive to be able to do whatever it is that we love until the day we die. Put the pieces in place. If you need some help, here are some ways to work with me.

You can also keep track of my postings about my journey on my Vibrant Health Over 40 Facebook Page.
And donate to my fundraiser for Dig Deep. Pedal on! 🚴🏼

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