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Senior Health

Your Health & the Great Mimicker

Your Health & the Great Mimicker

Symptoms as diverse as peripheral neuropathy, muscle weakness, stomach distension, chronic diarrhea, swollen extremities, anxiety, depression, Parkinson ‘s-like symptoms, incontinence, and more. No, it’s not the latest virus.  These and many other non-specific symptoms are sometimes the first signs of a very easily avoided issue. It is a vitamin deficiency that can affect virtually anyone over 50 and those younger…

Maintaining Brain Clarity

Maintaining Brain Clarity

Let’s face it: losing your mind is a fate far worse than death. This week, a good friend from high school died of Alzheimer’s disease at just 67 years old.  Unfortunately, no meds can appreciably change that process once diagnosed. And it’s doubtful there ever will be. (Some other time, I’ll address why I’m 99.99% positive about that opinion.) My…

Aging & Longevity: Defying the Odds

Aging & Longevity: Defying the Odds

When I was in chiropractic practice, a question I asked new patients went something like this: “Given the current trajectory of your health and your habits, what do you think your life will be like in 30 years if you don’t change anything?” It was not uncommon for a 50 year old to look me square in the eye and…

Resiliency and Recovery

Resiliency and Recovery

Sometimes the struggle is real.And you just have to allow it to be so. Then comes the question: How do you allow the struggle to be real, accept it but not go down the tunnel and become anxious or depressed about the things you can’t control? It’s all about choosing your thoughts which, by its very nature, is a lesson…

Live Fully Till the Day You Die

Live Fully Till the Day You Die

I have a milestone birthday coming up the next week. You know, one of THOSE birthdays where you look back & wonder, “How did I get here?” Where you look ahead and wonder, “What does the future hold in store?” and “What do I have left that I’m still committed to doing?” Those who know me well know I’m not…

Live Your Best Life Regardless of Age

Live Your Best Life Regardless of Age

Bicycling 10,000 foot mountain passes at over 60 years old?! Crazy, you may say. But that’s what I’ll be doing 2 weeks from now at this time. It’s all about living my best life. So the obvious/sometimes not-so-obvious connection comes in.You know, the one where people say, “You’re so lucky you’re still healthy enough to do that.”  And I gently say,…