
I have a milestone birthday coming up the next week.

You know, one of THOSE birthdays where you look back & wonder, “How did I get here?” Where you look ahead and wonder, “What does the future hold in store?” and “What do I have left that I’m still committed to doing?”

Those who know me well know I’m not slowing down any time soon.

I did a 620 mile un-assisted bicycle tour this summer.

I’m still running a health coaching practice & contributing to the world that way.

I’m still an active member of Rotary International; giving back to the world in other ways.

I’m a Board Member of our local NAWBO (National Association of Woman Business Owners); giving back to women in business both locally and nationally.

And more.

All of that is to point out that life is what you make of it.

When you take good care of yourself, you have the energy and the audacity to continue to look ahead with anticipation.

So, for me, I still anticipate my long delayed European Bicycle Tour.

I still plan many firsts & I’m still adding items to my bucket list.

So, how does one take care of themselves in order to live healthfully till the end?

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Remember that it’s a marathon. Actually it’s an Ultra! (Me… I’m committed to another 40 years!)
  2. Take care of your emotional wellbeing: relax, play, meditiate, love, do meaningful things.
  3. Remember there are 4 kinds of exercise: strength, endurance (aerobic), flexibility (stretching) and balance. Be sure to work ALL of these multiple times per week. You need to keep flexible, balanced and stong. 
  4. Eat a predominantly whole food plant-based diet.
  5. Remember that God (or Nature) made FOOD for nutrition, not pills.

Understand that the body is self-healing and self-correcting. If you’re not well, find the source of the dis-ease and correct it so you can heal. (The source of the problem is never a shortage of medication!) 

Be cautious about allowing doctors to do standard tests on you solely because you are a certain age or certain gender (or combination). Sometimes these tests can cause complications or injury and not yield valuable data. 

Continue to contribute to others and society.

Set and achieve new goals until the day you die.

You can, indeed, continue to live powerfully throughout life. However, like everything else, it only happens with intention and planning.

If you have concerns that your health & your body won’t support you to get there, let’s talk.

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