
Tag: Wellness

Waiting for a Crisis Before You Change?

Waiting for a Crisis Before You Change?

It’s the first week of January. The new year. I’m wondering, how are you doing? I mean how are you REALLY doing? Are you taking the steps that mean your health will be better next year than it is today? Unfortunately, in this country, people often wait till a crisis happens to change.  Crises that are often indicated ahead of…

Aging & Longevity: Defying the Odds

Aging & Longevity: Defying the Odds

When I was in chiropractic practice, a question I asked new patients went something like this: “Given the current trajectory of your health and your habits, what do you think your life will be like in 30 years if you don’t change anything?” It was not uncommon for a 50 year old to look me square in the eye and…

Resiliency and Recovery

Resiliency and Recovery

Sometimes the struggle is real.And you just have to allow it to be so. Then comes the question: How do you allow the struggle to be real, accept it but not go down the tunnel and become anxious or depressed about the things you can’t control? It’s all about choosing your thoughts which, by its very nature, is a lesson…

Simple Routines to Promote Wellness

Simple Routines to Promote Wellness

I’ve always been an advocate for meeting people where they are and helping them move forward in a simple way. If you have 40 (or especially if you have 100 pounds to lose), you certainly don’t want a healthy weight coach telling you to eat carrots and go for a 6-mile run!  If you’re taking meds for a condition and…

Live Fully Till the Day You Die

Live Fully Till the Day You Die

I have a milestone birthday coming up the next week. You know, one of THOSE birthdays where you look back & wonder, “How did I get here?” Where you look ahead and wonder, “What does the future hold in store?” and “What do I have left that I’m still committed to doing?” Those who know me well know I’m not…

CoVID19, Your Heart, and Properly Placed Fear

CoVID19, Your Heart, and Properly Placed Fear

I get it! 380,000 have died in the U.S. of Covid19. It’s horrendous and frightening. What if it was 680,000? Would that make you even MORE scared? Here’s the thing: there’s a PREVENTABLE disease that kills 680,000 Americans. . .EVERY. . . SINGLE. . .YEAR! And has for many years. Why are we not up in arms about that? Let’s…

CoVid19 Risk: On Your Fork and In Your Feet

CoVid19 Risk: On Your Fork and In Your Feet

These are extraordinary times, to say the least. And your risk of CoVid19 is on your fork and in your feet! My purpose with this blog article is simple: Asking, what you can do to minimize the risk for both yourself and your family? I don’t necessarily mean the risk of CONTRACTING CoVid19 but the risk of getting a serious…