
I get it! 380,000 have died in the U.S. of Covid19. It’s horrendous and frightening.

What if it was 680,000? Would that make you even MORE scared?
Here’s the thing: there’s a PREVENTABLE disease that kills 680,000 Americans. . .EVERY. . . SINGLE. . .YEAR! And has for many years.

Why are we not up in arms about that?

Let’s prevent THAT! (Along WITH doing what we can to prevent CoVID.)

Oh, yeah, and by the way, preventing it will also make it LESS LIKELY that you’ll get a SERIOUS CASE of CoVID!

A good Win-Win; no?

So what IS this disease? It’s heart disease! 

Yes, the most common preventable disease of the Western World. More than one person every. . .single . . .minute succumbs to this disease in the United States! 

It killed more people last year than CoVID did (though we don’t have the exact numbers yet.)

As someone living in this society, it’s highly likely you already have it without knowing or are well on your way to developing it.

“Who me?” I can hear you asking? 

Yes, you! The one with high blood pressure, who conveniently forgets that your dad died of a stroke, just like my dad did or your mom died of heart failure when she was only 70, or any of the other ways it can display that we just avoid thinking about.

What about your heart and properly placed fear?

Yes, you! Sitting there eating your cheese and crackers and your burgers! 

Yes, you! Who’s stressed about the kids, the job . . .and . . .and . . .and. . .

So, how do you prevent it? 

It’s not like you don’t know this: it mostly comes down to what’s on the end of your fork.

Doctors who work to prevent and reverse heart disease agree on the basics:

A whole food plant-based diet  with no added oil.

Keeping nuts & seeds to a minimum (2 ounces or less per day). Oh, yeah, and skip the avocados and coconut too. 

To become what they term ‘heart-attack proof’ you want to get to and maintain a total blood cholesterol of under 150. 

Once you cut out animal products, added oil, and most nuts, that’s really not hard. (Truth be told, if you don’t already have heart disease, you can eat a little animal food on occasion IF you can still keep your cholesterol below 150.)

Where do you begin?

How about by getting rid of the junk food and restocking with healthier whole food?

If that seems like a reasonable place to start, 

Let me help you by starting with a Zoom Pantry Clean-out. 

Once you’ve done that, the rest is SO much easier. Just like anything else you want to accomplish in life: you just need to make the ‘doing’ more effortless; putting systems and habits in place to get started and keep going in the right direction.

So let’s agree: what’s happening with CoVID19 is heart-breaking and what’s literally without hearts is heart-breaking as well. Let put the pieces in place to prevent ALL of it. NOW! Let’s concentrate on your heart and properly placed fear and appropriate prevention.

I know this has been harsh, but it all comes from love and compassion and from being sick and tired of remaining silent while people suffer.

You can schedule your pantry clean-out here:

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