
Not (Just) Another Super-food!

Over a period of several months last year, I lost 15 lbs and got down to a weight I was very excited about. Here’s the interesting part, I lost about the first 5-7 lbs. without really even trying! How did that happen?

If there were a single, readily available food source that contained 46 Anti-oxidants, 36 Anti-inflammatory compounds, all 20 amino acids, more calcium than milk, more iron than spinach, more vitamin C than oranges, fat- and water-soluble vitamins, Omega 3-6-9’s AND MORE, do you think there’s a chance that getting all that nutrition daily might help diminish cravings? Well, there is and, at least for me, it did.

Zija International’s Moringa olifera-based mixes are what is making this difference for me and thousands of others world-wide. In just 10 short years in the industry, Zija has had an incredible impact on what it is now calling the Natural Health Revolution. The Revolution is about getting people to eat better, sleep better, move more, diminish stress and turn away form the drugs, chemicals and fast foods that wreaking havoc on our lives and on our health. And it all starts with, believe it or not, something as simple as a powered drink mix.

For me, now that I’ve done that, I see the real possibility of dropping a few more pounds and getting down to what a weighed in college (which was actually less than what I weighed in high school.) Over the next several weeks, I’m going to write more about the additional products I used and the changes I made in hopes of inspiring YOU! “Whatever you desire. . .begin it now.”

Learn more about Zija:  Core Moringa Nutrition & Weight-Loss products or Ripstix Fitness products or call me with your questions. Call me about FREE sample/starter packages (limited offer).

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