In my last post, I discussed several oils that can be used internally to enhance metabolism and increase weight loss. Today, I want to talk about using oils topically for detoxification & weight & fat loss.
The three topical applications one can use are: Detox baths, body wraps and massage. Any of these methods are applicable for any of the oils I’ll discuss.
Using oils topically is a great adjunct to your weight loss program as it’s something simple & relaxing that can also help pull toxins out of your tissues, help get rid of cellulite, increase metabolism and more. To use oils in a detox bath, start out by adding Epsom salts to the bath water (start with about 1/4-1/2 cup but you can work up to using up to about 2 cups), add your oils to 1-2 tbsp. of fractionated coconut oil and add that to the bath water. Optionally, you can also add apple cider vinegar (1/3-1 cup). Soak for 20-30 minutes. (Always use caution in how long you stay in if your physical condition warrants it.)
Here's a recipe that has earned the name of "skinny dip": 1-2 cups Epsom salts 7 drops each: Frankincense, grapefruit, peppermint, true lavender, Ameo Trim & Tone 4 drops each orange, tangerine 3 drops Ameo Cell Therapy Mix oils in 1-2 tbsp. fractionated coconut oil and add to bath. Follow with internal detox: Zija Premium Detox tea, add 1 drop peppermint, 3 drops lemon
These oils will help to pull toxins out, decrease cellulite and more. As you can see by the accompanying picture, the results can be quite dramatic. These oils can be purchased at a substantial savings by purchasing the Ameo “Slim &Tranquil” combo pack available here.
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