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Did you know that your diet is one of the major factors in hormone balance?!

If you’re a perimenopausal woman, this should be music to your ears!

It’s something you can control.

An opportunity to get rid of (or at least greatly reduce) the hot flashes and the night sweats.

The opportunity to start addressing those brain changes and start remembering  people’s names and why you walked into a room.

For many women these symptoms continue long after the perimenopausal years . . . and they don’t have to.

Sally (not her real name) was that person. She went through menopause. But afterwards, the hot flashes continued, the forgetfulness continued. Indeed, she was convinced it was just part of aging.

Then, after we talked, she decided to give some of my suggestions a try.

The change wasn’t overnight and it wasn’t perfect. Still she noticed measurable differences. . .in the number and intensity of hot flashes. . .and in her memory. 

Oh yeah, and she lost 10 lbs.

With that in mind, here are my top 3 hacks:

1. Eliminate dairy!

I know this is a tough one for many people. But dairy is really just bovine growth factor. It’s loaded with hormones, especially estrogen.

Have you ever noticed an adult animal consuming milk anywhere in nature? No, neither have I.  Maybe we are not designed to consume it.

Cow’s milk is designed to fatten a calf from 40 lbs. to nearly a thousand pounds in a year! That’s a 25X weight gain. In contrast, human milk produces a 3X weight gain in a year. So all those hormones & growth factors are what you’re eating in your cheese.

When you stop taking in all that excess hormone, it gives your body a chance to eliminate what you’re not making. The result is not only helping to balance your hormones but decreasing weight, and the likelihood of cancer, heart disease and more.

2. Eat soy regularly.

Few people outside of those who have specifically studied it understand soy’s benefits.

Let me explain: Compounds in soy bind to the estrogen binding sites of our cells. That means our own naturally occurring estrogen can’t so it can now be metabolized by our liver and eliminated.
These soy compounds have lower estrogenic activity than our own estrogen so they effectively reduce estrogen levels (provided we eat enough fiber so the estrogen isn’t resorbed.)

3. Eat more high fiber plant foods.

Fiber will help push the metabolic byproducts mentioned above through your digestive tract quickly so they can’t get resorbed. If you don’t move them & eliminate them quickly enough, they will be resorbed and they will be re-converted back to estrogen.

Do just these three things and they will help. Start today. You’ll be glad you did.

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