
Moringa olifera is a high potency Superfood that I only call ‘new’ because it is new to most of us in the Western world. It has been used throughout Asia and Africa for centuries. Recently, I learned of a line of products now available in the U.S. that use it as a base. Since I had heard a little about Moringa throughout the years and I trusted the person I heard about it through, I decided to look into it more.

I was delighted with what I found. A literature search on PubMed revealed probably a hundred or more journal articles. Most of the studies were done in India which explains why we’ve heard little about it in the U.S.  With 46 different antioxidants, 36 different anti inflammatories, 20 amino acids (including all 9 essential ones) and lots more, it’s no surprise that I found numerous studies that demonstrated it helps the immune system, has antibacterial and anti-parasitic capabilities, is anti-inflammatory, anti-neoplastic (kills cancer cells) and so many other qualities, I can’t possibly list them all. Which is why I’m including several graphics that show more.

Zija International markets this line of products and uses the seeds and fruit (the most potent parts) as well as the leaves of the Moringa tree. In the month or so I’ve been on the products I’ve noticed numerous positive changes including more energy, decreased pain, better digestion & elimination and better sleep. Others have had positive effects on numerous health issues; digestive issues, diabetes, and all types of arthritis to name a few; along with using the products to assist in significant weight loss.

Zija has products that can enhance almost every lifestyle and condition: Start your day with the daily nutrition of Supermix (contains the highest concentration of Moringa), Smartmix (combines Moringa with pre-biotics and more to feed gut flora and enhance relaxation), or XM-Energy (combines several energy enhancing and natural appetite suppressing herbs). For many, that may be all you need. But if you’re an athlete or you’re trying to lose weight, there are a number of other products that can help you achieve your goals. In addition, Zija has a new line of clinical grade essential oils and the Moringa based skin care line, Gen-M, offer health enhancing and anti-aging for all.  “Drink Life In” 

If you’d like to get a sample or learn more about the business possibilities with Zija, please contact me.


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